In designing, remodeling, or upkeeping your basement, you will undoubtedly run into problems and have major quandaries. When this happens, where do you go? For those who have the money to pay for a professional designer and contractor, this question is easy to answer. For the rest of us who are trying to be creative or save a buck on our basement design, we may have to look elsewhere. Fortunately for us DIYers, there is
I first became aware of when I was searching for design ideas while decorating my small home; I quickly realized is much more than a website full of pretty pictures, it is a major resource for anyone who owns a property.
Let’s start with the “Design Dilemma” page. This feature on provides an open forum for home designers wanting feedback from fellow home afficionados. You submit a question or dilemma and architects, interior designers, DIYers alike provide their feedback. It’s incredibly helpful, especially if you submit your question with pictures. Design Dilemma is like your very own team of home counselors right at your fingertips (and for free!).